I really wish I had been updating this blog recently, Im slack.
Our wedding is 7.5 months away and Im getting really excited. My to do list has been decreasing in size alot. Ive got my licence- which was a major worry to me through the early stage of this wedding planning.
My to do list now consists of a few little things that Im struggling to complete!
1. Florist - Im looking for a way to save money with this. Im thinking Ill get a real florist to do our bouquets and buttonholes, and then get flowers from a flower farm for the centrepieces.
2. The Cake - The item my fiance is most excited about :) He really wants to get a day off work to come cake tasting. I know exactly what I want... I just have to choose someone to do it.
I saw this cake in a 'Bride to Be' magazine.
3. Weight loss- Im pretty happy with my weight, but its also the heaviest Ive ever been and I would like to be a bit smaller, not just for my wedding, but for my marriage. I realise that Im 19 now and will almost certainly get bigger as my life goes on. For now, Id like to be about 8kg lighter. Awhile ago I was crazy about what I ate and I never missed a morning excercise session.
In 2007 I was at my thinnest. However, I was only 16 at the time the above photo was taken, so that could have a little bit to do with it. One bad thing about being that thin was that I kind of lost my boobs. At the time I thought it was fine, because I enjoyed being little, but now Id like to NOT lose my boobs... I mean, I am GETTING MARRIED.
As I said, I think Im at a good weight now, but Id just like to be on top of it for my wedding so I can avoid putting on weight after I get married... because It would be pretty easy to do.
So, I have been doing things to help tick of this little 'to do'.
I dont have any spare money for a gym membership, so Ive started using excercise dvds. They're really good If you can ignore the overly excited voices of the instructors! Also, Ive been eating better and less.
These are the main things on my to do list at the moment, ofcourse there are going to be lots more shoved on there as time goes on, but hopefully I will have these out of the way before long.
So, overall Im really happy with life at the moment, except for my horrible forgetfulness about blogging, that is!
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