Friday, December 18, 2009
slightly embarassed...
I guess its okay to relax a bit sometimes though- because from now on, I cant relax anymore! Im four months away from our wedding and have heaps to do. I dont have to book anymore vendors, but I have things to create and decisions to make. I have to really get used to moving away from my mother for the first time ever! Thats a huge thing because my mother and I are really close! However, Ive kind of accepted it as a necessary step in my life. We all have to grow up. I can't wait to bring home grandkids for her.
I have the best mum!
Anyway, I will be blogging again really soon! lots of wedding stuff to record.
Sunday, September 27, 2009

This scene is a common one whenever we're with the young adults from our church (they even did it in church once!). Not all the males participate (Anthony is asleep in the background of that photo), but it always seems to be Andrew fighting someone. There was a whole half circle of girls and uninterested males being entertained by the sweaty spectacle rolling around in front of them. Now, I know its entertaining, but is this normal?
Monday, September 21, 2009
deffinately not the brady bunch!
Its made me think.... is there a perfect family? Why was the Brady Bunch even popular? Its so unrealistic! Step families just dont turn out that way!
I hate being blamed for things that arent my fault. Especially when no one stands up for me because they want to 'keep the peace'. Where's my peace?
Monday, September 7, 2009
What now?
Im completely up to date with my checklist, and have all our vendors booked! I dont have anything to do for 3 months! So, due to my overly prepared nature, Ive already started looking for hair inspiration, ceremony readings, writing our programs, invitations and RSVP cards and we've asked our Ps. about premarital counselling.
Andrew and I went to a beautiful wedding on Saturday. I love weddings that are so full of love that it makes you tear up. Zac and Susies wedding was the last youth group wedding before our own, so the day was full of excited exclamations of "Our turn next!' between Andrew and I.
Photographer- Beth Carter Photography
Videographer- Julia Lewis Media
Ceremony- Macarthur Park Wedding Gardens
Reception- The Carriage Room
Cake- The Cake Girl
Florist- Me :)
Hair and Makeup- Facial Beauty
Honeymoon- Mayfield on Montville
Wedding night- Brisbane Marriott.
I can't wait untill our wedding and honeymoon... and married life. However, Im really enjoying the journey there!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Mine and Andrew's last names are very similar in that neither of them would actually be our last names if only blood was considered. You see, my last name is actually my step grandfathers name. Andrews last name is the surname of his fathers adoptive parents. I have a very untraditional family (which is becoming even more common). I kind of always expected to marry someone who had a long running surname that represented a dynasty of honourable and christian marriages. I wanted to love and be so excited about my new last name, to have it in decorated block letters along a mantel.
It took me ages to get used to, but now Ive realised something. Just because the name hasnt had the sort of history I always wanted (one of godly, honourable and happy marriages) doesnt mean it can't in the future!
So Ive decided that from our wedding day, Im going to work at creating the sort of marriage that I can be proud of, Im going to have a wonderful christian marriage and create a surname that I will be proud to have. It will be kind of like a new start, after all, nothing and no one in this world is perfect.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Damn Eve!

Levlen Ed... The Pill.
I only started yesterday.
Ive always thought it was completely unnatural and to be avoided at all costs, but I also knew that there was no way I was going to risk getting those cramps on my wedding day! So, all along I knew Id be going on it around January 2010. Ive started it early because the Ponstan stopped working. I hate the thought of controlling something that God created for us to endure... but then I also have the thought of... well, he created doctors etc to invent medicine and maybe for people like me its ok? I dont know... all I know is that that pain is TERRIBLE, and I can't keep going home from work because of it.
So, Im on the pill.
I just really hope its not like 'playing God'.
I suppose intentions have to be considered too, and I do have a pretty good reason to be on it.
Any thoughts?
I wish I had an excuse...
I really wish I had been updating this blog recently, Im slack.
Our wedding is 7.5 months away and Im getting really excited. My to do list has been decreasing in size alot. Ive got my licence- which was a major worry to me through the early stage of this wedding planning.
My to do list now consists of a few little things that Im struggling to complete!
1. Florist - Im looking for a way to save money with this. Im thinking Ill get a real florist to do our bouquets and buttonholes, and then get flowers from a flower farm for the centrepieces.
2. The Cake - The item my fiance is most excited about :) He really wants to get a day off work to come cake tasting. I know exactly what I want... I just have to choose someone to do it.
I saw this cake in a 'Bride to Be' magazine.
3. Weight loss- Im pretty happy with my weight, but its also the heaviest Ive ever been and I would like to be a bit smaller, not just for my wedding, but for my marriage. I realise that Im 19 now and will almost certainly get bigger as my life goes on. For now, Id like to be about 8kg lighter. Awhile ago I was crazy about what I ate and I never missed a morning excercise session.
In 2007 I was at my thinnest. However, I was only 16 at the time the above photo was taken, so that could have a little bit to do with it. One bad thing about being that thin was that I kind of lost my boobs. At the time I thought it was fine, because I enjoyed being little, but now Id like to NOT lose my boobs... I mean, I am GETTING MARRIED.
As I said, I think Im at a good weight now, but Id just like to be on top of it for my wedding so I can avoid putting on weight after I get married... because It would be pretty easy to do.
So, I have been doing things to help tick of this little 'to do'.
I dont have any spare money for a gym membership, so Ive started using excercise dvds. They're really good If you can ignore the overly excited voices of the instructors! Also, Ive been eating better and less.
These are the main things on my to do list at the moment, ofcourse there are going to be lots more shoved on there as time goes on, but hopefully I will have these out of the way before long.
So, overall Im really happy with life at the moment, except for my horrible forgetfulness about blogging, that is!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Narrow Sinus Passage.
It can't be fixed and Ill just have to live with it forever. Which sounds really doom full and bad, but with the other causes he gave as an example, Id much rather have this.
Basically, my sinuses are much narrower than most peoples, and the one on the left is narrower again. This causes the 'whooshing' in my left ear.
Im pretty happy with that outcome because the others were - tumours and anneurisms, anaemia, a thyroid problem or loss of hearing. Id rather have the thyroid problem or anaemia than what I have, as those are curable. However, Im really not upset about this because it hasnt been that bad recently and now I know what it is I can relax.
The doctor said that most people stop hearing it because they get so used to it!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wednesday 20th May 2009.
Today I went to work and it was so quiet! Its been raining here non-stop for two days (which I love). We usually would have made about $1000 by 12pm but today we'd only made $250!!!
The view was excellent though, I love rain :)

Well, theres not too much to report at the moment... wedding planning is on hold for a bit because I was super organised at the beginning and now I have nothing to do! We have to organise the cake, videographer, hair and makeup, florist, transport and all of Andrews groom related things :). We have almost eleven months do it though! Mum and I are going to a bridal expo on Sunday after church though, so Ill probably be inspired after that!
Love, Emily.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I dont know if it was just me (probably) or if it was real, but when I looked in the mirror with that ring on my finger, for the first month I looked really good! hehe
Now, I have begun trying to eat nothing so I look really good on our wedding day, and honeymoon. I love eating nothing. I love the hungry feeling in my tummy. Havent noticed any effects of the starvation as yet, but Im in no hurry. Im being Ironic, or even sarcastic, by the way... Im not starving.
Preparing myself for getting married doesnt end with my weight. Its about marriage books, courses and also.... DRIVING. I have to get my licence. I hate the thought of it, but it has to happen. I was traumatised from previous failures but Im just going to have to get over it. So, today I drove to the Sunshine Coast! All the way... on the HIGHWAY! AAAH. I not only managed to survive, I also managed to cause mum to tell me I drove 'pretty well', although I did scare her a few times.
We drove to the Sunshine Coast to look at honeymoon places. Andrew and I have decided we want to go somewhere pretty close, so we've pretty much settled on the Sunshine Coast Hinterlands.
I have very specific expectations. Ideally, the honeymoon accommodation would have...
- An EXCELLENT view.
eg- -Cuteness, in a cottagey, seperate way without be totally secluded.
eg- -A bed... it HAS to have a bed. Specifically, a nice big fluffy one.

Friday, April 17, 2009
I am...
That is the only word for how I feel right now. Our wedding is less than a year away, the major details are booked and now all I have to do is get imaginative and wait. It feels like a really icy wind on a hot day, it feels fresh and dreamy.
I am no longer the girl who has to wait ages before getting married. I am not the girl who is crazy organised and a bit of a bridezilla. I am an excited, happy, dizzy bride to be! I can say- "Im getting married next April"... Instead of "Im getting married in April 2010". I can count down without people thinking Im stupid for being so excited so soon. I can look through Bridal magazines for decorations, flowers and stationery, instead of venues and themes. I can inquire about honeymoons without getting emails back telling me to wait untill April 09 and ask again.
My excitement will only continue to grow, as I get closer and closer to marrying Andrew.
Whatever our souls are made of....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
One year to go!
I really cannot wait, its going to be so much fun! In one year I will be honeymooning :)
Andrews not so excited about wedding planning, and it is kind of my obsession at the moment. I dont know if its normal or not, but I really love planning something that has so much to do with our life together. He really annoys me sometimes, with wedding related things.
Oh well, 364 days to go and Ive half done the table numbers, placecards... the photographer, ceremony and reception places are booked!!
Pretty good progress.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Carriage Room
Finally I can start planning the decorations and favours!
We're getting married at 10:30 in a chapel at Macarthur Park Wedding Gardens. We're then having our photos taken by Beth Carter. Then we're having our reception at The Carriage Room!!! yayayay!
Im so happy to have all this out of the way! Now I can plan the fun details!
I really like the flowery bircage look at the moment.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Reception Venues.
Being indecisive is inarguably a curse.
At the moment, our favourite Reception Venue possibility is the Redland Bay Golf Club.
It has a really pretty view from the Reception area. We haven't made an appointment to go see them yet, but Im sure we will soon. Especially with Andrew maybe being off work in the near future.

Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My first love.

Kimmy, our Cocker Spaniel had been in my family from the time of mum finding out she was pregnant with me, in late 1989. She left our family late in 2002 due to heart problems. The first syllable I uttered was me attempting to say her name. Since Kimmy, I have loved all of my dogs and I really believe they are smarter and more important than people give them credit for. For this reason, I am disappointed that I cannot involve these two beauties in the wedding ceremony.
If it were entirely up to me Id probably dream up some wonderful way of using them in the ceremony like these couples.
However, Andrew and I don't live together yet, so Bindi and Samson are only MY dogs, Andrew has two of his own, so it would be kind of hard to involve four dogs in one ceremony. Also, my mother and Andrew aren't too impressed with the idea, and it would be hard to arrange and make sure they're always being looked after.
So I'm settling for a nice photo before I leave for the ceremony.

Not long now until its only a year away!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
As of late...

It'll look so good once its completed and amongst the gorgeous gardens!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What Ive learnt so far...
However, since then I have learnt that although wonderful, being engaged seems to posess this amazing skill of turning one, otherwise stable future bride, quite insane.
Its not as though I have just begun to talk to inanimate objects or anything (I already did that). The thing about being engaged is - EVERYTHING is an incredibly important decision! ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!
Therefore, there is often much frustration over bridesmaid colours because its just so impossible to choose! Oh, and dont even TRY thinking about a dress. So #1 thing Ive learnt since becoming a bride is - Im insane.
I think there are only two things, but I just might change my mind!
I love how most wedding details can be DIY-ed! Im having a Loooong engagement and Im so happy about it because it means I can do so much stuff myself! Like caligraphy! Ive bought a caligraphy book and, depending on how good I get at it, may write all my invitations!
I dont know how possible this is, but I think with a year and 3 months practice anyone could develop some skill in cake decorating. Flowers are something I really dont care about, but mum does so we'll probably go with a wholesale florist or something, but I think it would be fun to do my own flowers. Obviously Im going to make all my decorations (Im thinking pomanders on pews) favours, and invitations.
So #2 thing I've learnt is not everything needs to be professional and expensive- especially if your enthusiastic about DIYing like I am!
love Emily
Ps- we've booked our photographer!!! yayayayay!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I fell in love with one of her photos at the wedding expo.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Dream- veil
The other night I have a dream I was in a vintage clothing shop, which sold wedding dresses etc. I came across this really weird looking veil- and i LOVED it. it was elbow length and had lots and LOTS of tiers, making it really poofy.
Its weird the things you dream about.
So now Im searching for a veil again... I kinda want a cathedral length one, but Im NOT making the mistake of buying one too early ever again!