This is my first blog on this thing. I dont really know why I created one of these things, since i know only one person who has one. Never the less, this is going to help me when Im an old woman and can't remember the majority of my life. All i will have to do it come on here and remember- 'oh yes, i went to a wedding on the 9th of August..' and my amnesia will suddenly relinquish the deed to my memory and ill be as good as new!
As I've learnt in Psyc101- memory encoding is most effective between the ages of 10 and 30. Therefore, this will either help me encode my memories extra well now and ill be able to reveal in detail what I ate for breakfast on the 15th of july (strawberries) or my brain will feel i dont need to encode stuff now coz its written down, and my years of effective encoding will be saved for later in life :)
Actually, i do know why i created one of these things. I googled 'engaged' (coz the subject is an obsession at the moment... i feel its going to happen soon) and i came across a girl who got engaged in april and is getting married on the 2nd of August. She inspired me... i thought ' i can blog when im engaged too! Apparently you dont remember alot when your engaged 'cos your so worried and have lots to consider etc. Oh! A girl from my church got married last month and i saw one of her photo's today... i swear, brides are the most beautiful creatures in the world! She looked so happy...gosh- i can not wait until Andrew proposes- but i have a feeling I wont have to wait too long :):):)
Engagedness and Marriage are daily considered concepts in my life... one reason is because- I CAN'T WAIT... and another is because two couples at one of my church's recently got engaged, and one couple at my other church just got married...oh, and my cousin, Alyssa is getting married on August 30.
Well... theres not really anything else to say.
Untill tomorrow... i suppose :)
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