What is his name? Andrew Lawrence Broderick.
How long have you been together? We've been engaged for 20 months, together for 6 years, and have known each other for 16 years.
Who has more friends? Andrew is better at making friends, but his friends are all in couples so they're mine too.
Who is more sensitive? We're both pretty sensitive, although Andrew does cry more in movies than me.
Who has more siblings? We both have a brother each.
Who wears the pants? We like to take them off and give them to the other to wear for a bit, every now and then.
How long have you been together? We've been engaged for 20 months, together for 6 years, and have known each other for 16 years.
How long did you date? Its sometimes hard to tell, because he officially asked me out after we'd been together for awhile, and nothing changed... so I count from when we both realized we 'liked' each other- 31.12.03.
How old is he? He is 20... turns 21 on the 3rd of December.
Who eats more? He eats heaps more throughout the day, but If we're going out to dinner its equal, and if its dessert I finish mine really quick and then steal his :)
Who said I love you first? I can't remember.... but I bet it was on MSN... we're both shy.
Who is taller? Andrew is about 6ft, and Im 5ft 6 inches.
Who can sing better? We both can't, but Id probably be better just because Ive played music all my life and understand notes etc. I tried to explain an octave to Andrew once- he still hasn't got it, he kept saying 'but if its higher or lower, its a different note!'
Who is smarter? hm, well I got an OP10, and he got a 17... so I did better in school. He's a smart driver, but hes really forgetful. I dont forget anything, so I tend to know whats going on more. I dont know who's smarter- we're pretty similar.
Who does the laundry? Im sure Ill do it, and he'll hang it because Im a redhead and hate going out in the sun!

Who is smarter? hm, well I got an OP10, and he got a 17... so I did better in school. He's a smart driver, but hes really forgetful. I dont forget anything, so I tend to know whats going on more. I dont know who's smarter- we're pretty similar.
Who does the laundry? Im sure Ill do it, and he'll hang it because Im a redhead and hate going out in the sun!
Who pays the bills? Bet you it will be me! He HATES paperwork. Also, his forgetfulness comes into play, whereas I stress if things arent done super early.
Who sleeps on the right side? I think I will.
Who mows the lawn? I like doing it, its great excercise, but again my skin would be disgusting after a marriage full of lawn mowing, so he will.
Who sleeps on the right side? I think I will.
Who mows the lawn? I like doing it, its great excercise, but again my skin would be disgusting after a marriage full of lawn mowing, so he will.
Who cooks dinner? Depends whose car we're taking. His is on gas, not petrol so we usually take his.
Who kissed who first? He did, but he knew I wanted him to. It was on the 13th of August 2005(what did I tell you about my memory?).
Who is more stubborn? We're both terrible.
Who asked out who first? Andrew, but I told him to.
Who proposed? Andrew, but I totally knew! Id been wanting to get engaged for so long. It was getting near the end of the night and I told him to go to this little beach near our house- and thats where he did it, so it was kind of a mutual effort.
Who is more stubborn? We're both terrible.
Who asked out who first? Andrew, but I told him to.
Who proposed? Andrew, but I totally knew! Id been wanting to get engaged for so long. It was getting near the end of the night and I told him to go to this little beach near our house- and thats where he did it, so it was kind of a mutual effort.

Who is more sensitive? We're both pretty sensitive, although Andrew does cry more in movies than me.
Who has more siblings? We both have a brother each.
Who wears the pants? We like to take them off and give them to the other to wear for a bit, every now and then.