Thursday, January 22, 2009

As of late...

I haven't been blogging recently, mostly because Andrew's had his holidays and Ive been very busy with him. However, he's been back for two weeks now, and I dont have an excuse :)

We're going to the lifeline bookfest tomorrow- cheap books, yay!

As Ive already said, we booked Beth Carter for our photography, but last saturday we also went to Macarthur Park Wedding Gardens, and had an appointment with them. We are going to ring them soon and book another appointment to pay them! The Gardens are so gorgeous.

They've recently aquired a wedding chapel- so thats even better! how cute! theres a picture of it on their website. Its really good, my wedding dream has always been to be married in one of these

It'll look so good once its completed and amongst the gorgeous gardens!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Ive learnt so far...

Being engaged was always a state I felt overly eager to enter. My lack of engagement ring was, for the most part of 2007-2008, the biggest issue between me and Andrew.
However, since then I have learnt that although wonderful, being engaged seems to posess this amazing skill of turning one, otherwise stable future bride, quite insane.
Its not as though I have just begun to talk to inanimate objects or anything (I already did that). The thing about being engaged is - EVERYTHING is an incredibly important decision! ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!
Therefore, there is often much frustration over bridesmaid colours because its just so impossible to choose! Oh, and dont even TRY thinking about a dress. So #1 thing Ive learnt since becoming a bride is - Im insane.

I think there are only two things, but I just might change my mind!

I love how most wedding details can be DIY-ed! Im having a Loooong engagement and Im so happy about it because it means I can do so much stuff myself! Like caligraphy! Ive bought a caligraphy book and, depending on how good I get at it, may write all my invitations!
I dont know how possible this is, but I think with a year and 3 months practice anyone could develop some skill in cake decorating. Flowers are something I really dont care about, but mum does so we'll probably go with a wholesale florist or something, but I think it would be fun to do my own flowers. Obviously Im going to make all my decorations (Im thinking pomanders on pews) favours, and invitations.
So #2 thing I've learnt is not everything needs to be professional and expensive- especially if your enthusiastic about DIYing like I am!
love Emily

Ps- we've booked our photographer!!! yayayayay!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We have booked our photographer! Yay.
I fell in love with one of her photos at the wedding expo.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Dream- veil

I bought my veil ages ago, back when i thought Id found my wedding dress, turns out though, once you become a fiancee you go mad. Now I dont know if my veil will suit whatever dress I end up wearing, so Ive been thinking alot about all of that.

The other night I have a dream I was in a vintage clothing shop, which sold wedding dresses etc. I came across this really weird looking veil- and i LOVED it. it was elbow length and had lots and LOTS of tiers, making it really poofy.

Its weird the things you dream about.

So now Im searching for a veil again... I kinda want a cathedral length one, but Im NOT making the mistake of buying one too early ever again!